9 research outputs found

    WEB recommendations for E-commerce websites

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    In this part of the thesis we have investigated how the navigation utilizing web recommendations can be implemented on the e-commerce websites based on integrated data sources. The integrated e-commerce websites are an interesting use case for web recommendations. One of the reasons for this interest is that many modern, large and economically successful e-commerce websites follow the integrated approach. Another reason is that especially in the integrated environment, due to the lack of the pre-defined semantic connections between the data, the web recommendations step forward as means of enabling user navigation. In this chapter we have presented the architecture for the websites based on integrated data sources named EC-Fuice. We have also presented the prototypical implementation of our architecture which serves as a proof-of-concept and investigated the challenges of creating navigation on an integrated website. The following issues were addressed in this part of the thesis: Combination of several state-of-the-art tools and techniques in the fields of databases, data integration, ontology matching and web engineering into one generic architecture for creating integrated websites. Comparative experiments with several techniques for instance matching (also known as record linkage or duplicate detection). Investigation on using the ontology matching to facilitate the instance matching. Comparative experiments with several techniques for ontology matching. Investigations on the instance-based ontology matching and the possibilities for combining instance-based ontology matching with other techniques for ontology matching. Investigation of the possibilities to improve user navigation in the integrated data environment with different types of web recommendations. Review of the related work in the fields of data integration and ontology matching and discussion of the contact points between the research described here and other related projects. The main contributions of the research described in this part of the thesis are the EC-Fuice architecture, the novel method for matching e-commerce ontologies based on combination of instance information and metadata information, the experimental results of ontology and instance matching performed by different matching algorithms and the classification of the types of recommendations which can be used on an integrated e-commerce website

    WEB recommendations for E-commerce websites

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    In this part of the thesis we have investigated how the navigation utilizing web recommendations can be implemented on the e-commerce websites based on integrated data sources. The integrated e-commerce websites are an interesting use case for web recommendations. One of the reasons for this interest is that many modern, large and economically successful e-commerce websites follow the integrated approach. Another reason is that especially in the integrated environment, due to the lack of the pre-defined semantic connections between the data, the web recommendations step forward as means of enabling user navigation. In this chapter we have presented the architecture for the websites based on integrated data sources named EC-Fuice. We have also presented the prototypical implementation of our architecture which serves as a proof-of-concept and investigated the challenges of creating navigation on an integrated website. The following issues were addressed in this part of the thesis: Combination of several state-of-the-art tools and techniques in the fields of databases, data integration, ontology matching and web engineering into one generic architecture for creating integrated websites. Comparative experiments with several techniques for instance matching (also known as record linkage or duplicate detection). Investigation on using the ontology matching to facilitate the instance matching. Comparative experiments with several techniques for ontology matching. Investigations on the instance-based ontology matching and the possibilities for combining instance-based ontology matching with other techniques for ontology matching. Investigation of the possibilities to improve user navigation in the integrated data environment with different types of web recommendations. Review of the related work in the fields of data integration and ontology matching and discussion of the contact points between the research described here and other related projects. The main contributions of the research described in this part of the thesis are the EC-Fuice architecture, the novel method for matching e-commerce ontologies based on combination of instance information and metadata information, the experimental results of ontology and instance matching performed by different matching algorithms and the classification of the types of recommendations which can be used on an integrated e-commerce website

    WEB recommendations for E-commerce websites

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    In this part of the thesis we have investigated how the navigation utilizing web recommendations can be implemented on the e-commerce websites based on integrated data sources. The integrated e-commerce websites are an interesting use case for web recommendations. One of the reasons for this interest is that many modern, large and economically successful e-commerce websites follow the integrated approach. Another reason is that especially in the integrated environment, due to the lack of the pre-defined semantic connections between the data, the web recommendations step forward as means of enabling user navigation. In this chapter we have presented the architecture for the websites based on integrated data sources named EC-Fuice. We have also presented the prototypical implementation of our architecture which serves as a proof-of-concept and investigated the challenges of creating navigation on an integrated website. The following issues were addressed in this part of the thesis:  Combination of several state-of-the-art tools and techniques in the fields of databases, data integration, ontology matching and web engineering into one generic architecture for creating integrated websites.  Comparative experiments with several techniques for instance matching (also known as record linkage or duplicate detection). Investigation on using the ontology matching to facilitate the instance matching.  Comparative experiments with several techniques for ontology matching. Investigations on the instance-based ontology matching and the possibilities for combining instance-based ontology matching with other techniques for ontology matching.  Investigation of the possibilities to improve user navigation in the integrated data environment with different types of web recommendations.  Review of the related work in the fields of data integration and ontology matching and discussion of the contact points between the research described here and other related projects. The main contributions of the research described in this part of the thesis are the EC-Fuice architecture, the novel method for matching e-commerce ontologies based on combination of instance information and metadata information, the experimental results of ontology and instance matching performed by different matching algorithms and the classification of the types of recommendations which can be used on an integrated e-commerce website


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    The paper describes the basic models for analyzing of reaction of protective screens to the effect of cumulative ammunition. For this purpose mathematical and test numerical models are constructed  for mechanical interaction of an ammunition at the moment of approach to protective screen and later in the mutual deformation of elements of the formed mechanical system. The influence of conditions of an ammunition meeting with the screen on the further development of the munitions action scenario on armor obstacles is demonstrated. In particular, the influence of mechanical properties of the grating screen material and the speed of grenade's meeting with the screen on the destruction of the elements of the system are studied using the example of test problems solving. On this basis, the creation of a virtual test stand is proposed. Also, based on the analysis of the results obtained, it is proposed to create a specialized database.В работе описаны базовые модели для анализа реакции защитных экранов на действие кумулятивных боеприпасов. С этой целью построены математические и тестовые численные модели механического взаимодействия боеприпаса в момент подлета к защитному экрану и в дальнейшем при взаимной деформации элементов созданной механической системы. Продемонстрировано влияние условий встречи боеприпаса с экраном на дальнейшее развитие сценария действия боеприпаса на бронепреграду. В частности, на примере решения тестовых задач исследовано влияние  механических свойств материала решетчатого экрана и скорости встречи гранаты с экраном  на разрушение элементов системы. На этой основе предложено создание  виртуального испытательного стенда. Также на основе анализа полученных результатов предложено создать специализированную базу данныхУ роботі описані базові моделі для аналізу реакції захисних екранів на дію кумулятивних боєприпасів. З цією метою побудовані математичні та тестові чисельні моделі механічної взаємодії боєприпасу у момент підльоту до захисного екрану та у подальшому при взаємному деформуванні елементів утвореної механічної системи. Продемонстровано вплив умов зустрічі боєприпаса із екраном на подальший розвиток сценарію дії боєприпасу на бронеперешкоду. Зокрема, на прикладі рішення тестових завдань досліджено вплив механічних властивостей матеріалу решітчатого екрану і швидкості зустрічі гранати з екраном на руйнування елементів системи. На цій основі запропоновано створення віртуального випробувального стенду. Також на основі аналізу отриманих результатів запропоновано створити спеціалізовану базу даних


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    The paper describes mathematical models of stress-strain state of elements of armored combat vehicles and technological systems for their manufacturing. On the basis of generalized parametric modeling, a fundamentally new approach to design, technological and production support of tactical and technical characteristics of armored vehicles was formulated; mathematical models of stress-strain state of elements of technological systems for manufacturing of parts and units of armored combat vehicles as well as elements of combat vehicles under the action of operational loads have been developed. A mathematical model of elastic-plastic deformation of armored combat vehicles was developed and a mathematical model of the dynamics of their high-turnover elements was improved. Criterial requirements have been formed for the synthesis of design and technological parameters of elements of armored combat vehicles and technological production systems for their manufacturing.В работе описаны математические модели напряженно-деформированного состояния элементов боевых бронированных машин и технологических систем для их изготовления. На основе обобщенного параметрического моделирования сформулирован принципиально новый подход к проектно-технологически-производственному обеспечению тактико-технических характеристик бронированных машин; разработаны математические модели напряженно-деформированного состояния элементов технологических систем для изготовления деталей и узлов боевых бронированных машин, а также элементов боевых машин при действии эксплуатационных нагрузок; создана математическая модель упруго-пластического деформирования элементов боевых бронированных машин и усовершенствована математическая модель динамики их высокооборотных элементов. Сформированы критериальные требования для синтеза проектно-технологических параметров элементов боевых бронированных машин и технологически-производственных систем для их изготовленияУ роботі описані математичні моделі напружено-деформованого стану елементів бойових броньованих машин та технологічних систем для їх виготовлення. На основі узагальненого параметричного моделювання сформульовано принципово новий підхід до проектно-технологічно-виробничого забезпечення тактико-технічних характеристик бойових броньованих машин; розроблено математичні моделі напружено-деформованого стану елементів технологічних систем для виготовлення деталей та вузлів броньованих машин, а також елементів бойових машин при дії експлуатаційних навантажень; створено математичну модель пружно-пластичного деформування елементів бойових броньованих машин, а також удосконалено математичну модель динаміки їх високообертових елементів. сформовано критеріальні вимоги для синтезу проектно-технологічних параметрів елементів бойових броньованих машин та технологічно-виробничих систем для їх виготовленн


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    Today computer modeling of processes and states is a basis for making of fundamental design and technological solutions for creation of new machines, buildings and units. For well-founded recommendations it is necessary to have available adequate, accurate and not cumbersome numerical models of research objects. For this purpose calculation and experimental method is proposed for justification of structure and parameters of these models. As an example, elements of armored combat vehicles are considered; basic methods are finite element method and holographic interferometry method. The algorithm and results of the proposed method are demonstrated by several objects. The proposed method is theoretical and practical basis for building of reasonable model of research objects, processes and states. Later it will be a base for a series of computer researches and development of recommendations on choice of rational technical solutions in design of various engineering structuresКомпьютерное моделирование процессов и состояний является на сегодня обычно основанием для принятия основных проектно-технологических решений при создании новых машин, сооружений и агрегатов. Для получения обоснованных рекомендаций необходимо иметь в распоряжении адекватные, точные и негромоздки числовые модели изучаемых объектов. С этой целью предлагается расчетно-экспериментальный метод обоснования структуры и параметров этих моделей. В качестве примера рассматриваются элементы боевых бронированных машин, а как базовые - метод конечных элементов, с одной стороны, и метод голографической интерферометрии - с другой. На примере нескольких объектов продемонстрировано алгоритм и результаты применения предложенного методаКомп'ютерне моделювання процесів і станів є на сьогодні зазвичай основою прийняття основних проектно-технологічних рішень при створенні  нових машин, споруд і агрегатів. Для отримання обгрунтованих рекомендацій необхідно мати у розпорядженні адекватні, точні та негроміздкі числові моделі досліджуваних обєктів. З цією метою пропонується розрахунково-експериментальний метод обгрунтування структури та параметрів цих моделей. Як приклад розглядаються елементи бойових броньованих машин, а як базові – метод скінченних елементів, з одного боку, та метод голографічної інтерферометрії – з іншого. На прикладі декількох обєктів продемонстровано алгоритм і результати  застосування запропонованого метод